Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

24.03.2016, 07:40

Press briefing “Measures implemented by the judiciary to restore public confidence in the judicial system” 25 March 2016 Press briefing  “Measures implemented by the judiciary to restore public confidence in the judicial system” 25 March 2016

On 25 March 2016 at 11:00 at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center (2 Khreshchatyk Str., Kyiv) a press briefing on the topic “Measures implemented by the judiciary to restore public confidence in the judicial system” with Mr. Ihor Benedysiuk, Chairman of High Council of Justice, Mr. Sergii Koziakov, Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, Mrs. Valentyna Simonenko, Chairman of the Council of Judges of Ukraine will be held.

During the briefing, the leaders of the judiciary bodies will report on the steps that the judiciary is taking to create high-qualified judicial corps (namely results of qualification assessment of judges, review of disciplinary cases) and to establish interaction with the public and the media.

Press office for the judiciary