Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

25.10.2018, 14:32

44% of lawyers fill complaints on judges to HCJ to delay proceedings or to exert pressure on judges 44% of lawyers fill complaints on judges to HCJ to delay proceedings or to exert pressure on judges

44% of lawyers fill complaints on judges to HCJ to delay proceedings or to exert pressure on judges. Lawyers working in the judiciary and participating in court proceedings (except for judges and employees of the court apparatus) are actively using disciplinary procedures to exert pressure on a judge and delay the trial.They are such results of the sociological study carried out by the USAID New Justice Program "A Survey of Professional Lawyers - Participants in Court Proceedings that Are Not Judges or Staff of the Court" and this is about lawyers. In particular, lawyers deliberately resort to writing complaints on judges to disciplinary bodies for the purpose of putting pressure and delaying litigation. They amount to 44% and according to international standards this is an unacceptable situation. How to fix it in the judiciary community is not known so far. "We will definitely talk about this during the joint meeting of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, the Council of Prosecutors and the Council of Advocates of Ukraine, which will be held on October 26, 2018," Oleg Tkachuk, Chairman of the Council, informed. At the same time, professional lawyers in general demonstrate a high level of trust in the judiciary. Thus, 47% of them fully trust in individual courts, where they carry out representation, and 41% in the judiciary. This is more than the Prosecutor's Office, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Bailiff Service and the police. Researchers note that only two institutions have a positive balance of trust (prevalence of trust ratings over the ratings of distrust): some courts and the judiciary.

Also, 48% of the polled lawyers believe that information about court proceedings and the progress of the case is accessible and understandable to citizens. 46% are satisfied with the level of professional qualification of judges, 29% consider that judges always make legal and fair decisions, and 20% are sure that Ukrainian citizens trust the courts.