Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

30.03.2016, 07:46

ANONS! March 30, 2016 briefing of the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine ANONS! March 30, 2016 briefing of the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine

March 30, 2016 at 14.00 the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukra ine Valentina Simonenko will held a briefing on events around the Malinovsky District Court of Odessa.

The briefing will be held at the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine (Lipska st, 18/5, m. Kyiv).

Accreditation by phone: / 044 / 277-76-33, / 044 / 277-76-34 or by e-mail

Press office for the judiciary