Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

28.01.2016, 12:32

Council of Judges Commits Itself to Promoting Court Excellence in Ukraine Council of Judges Commits Itself to Promoting Court Excellence in Ukraine

The conference included representatives of the world’s leading judicial institutions and organizations that have designed and implemented some of the most effective and innovative approaches to modern court administration aiming to build court excellence around the globe. After successfully presenting the CPE to conference participants, Chair of the Council of Judges (COJ) Justice Valentyna Simonenko made a commitment to promote court excellence in Ukraine to build public trust and conference in the judiciary which is critically important given the current public demand for judicial reform. The Ukrainian delegation, which included Judge Grygoriy Aleynikov, Chair of the COJ Committee on Judicial Administration and Judge Anatoly Babiy of the Odessa Court of Appeals, also agreed to advance a new idea that they learned at the conference related to establishing community justice centers – non-profit entities focused on public legal literacy, legal aid and courts and community communication. The delegation also plans to promote alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and development and plan to conduct a nationwide campaign to improve public perception of the judiciary.