Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

25.03.2016, 10:11

Statement of the Council of Judges of Ukraine on beating judge of the Appeal Court of Cherkasy region Statement of the Council of Judges of Ukraine on beating judge of the Appeal Court of Cherkasy region

The Council of Judges of Ukraine is deeply troubled and concerned about numerous cases of robberies that occur in relation to judges and actually threatened their lives and health. Only last year against judges had committed several criminal offenses, robbery, accompanied by physical, psychological pressure and damage their property.

Judges, members of their families and their property under special state protection. Police are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of judges, his family and the preservation of property. Committed in connection with official duties of a judge, attacks on his life and health, destruction or damage to property, threats of murder or violence, insult or slander against him, and attacks on the lives and health of close relatives judges entail responsibility established by law.