Council of judges
of Ukraine

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Інтерв’ю Голови Верховного Суду України Ярослава РОМАНЮКА тижневику

05.04.2016, 15:16

Інтерв’ю Голови Верховного Суду України Ярослава РОМАНЮКА тижневику "Юридичний Вісник України" Ярослав Романюк: "Судова реформа має проводитися не для політичного піару"
Council of Judges of Ukraine's meeting will be held on 8-th of april 2016

05.04.2016, 12:19

Council of Judges of Ukraine's meeting will be held on 8-th of april 2016 Meeting will be held at the Supreme Court of Ukraine (str. Orlyka 8)
Results of initial qualification assessment of the first one hundred judges

05.04.2016, 09:09

Results of initial qualification assessment of the first one hundred judges In particular, 94 judges passed the qualification assessment. Upon the results of the assessment 69 judges confirmed the ability to administer justice in the appropriate courts. 12 judges have not confirmed the ability to administer justice and were sent to the National School of Judges of Ukraine to undergo retraining.
The Commission has suspended 2 judges

05.04.2016, 08:00

The Commission has suspended 2 judges At the meeting held on 04 april 2016 the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, based on the request of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine decided to suspend 2 judges from the office.