Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA
ANONS! March 30, 2016 briefing of the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine

30.03.2016, 07:46

ANONS! March 30, 2016 briefing of the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine ​March 30, 2016 at 14.00 the Head of the Council of Judges of Ukra ine Valentina Simonenko will held a briefing on events around the Malinovsky District Court of Odessa.
The Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine had criticized methods and actions of the NABU officers

30.03.2016, 05:50

The Head of the Council of Judges of Ukraine had criticized methods and actions of the NABU officers Respect for the dignity of a human under the investigation of criminal offenses is a demonstration of the principle of presumption of innocence enshrined by the Constitutions of most countries and Ukraine. And ignoring these rules is a demonstration of disregard to this principle.

29.03.2016, 09:20

"The effects of sweeping allegations that are heard everywhere about the judges are irreparable" - Valentyna Simonenko On why the best representatives leave the profession, as well as "live through" judicial reform, in an interview with "Legal newspaper" said Valentina Simonenko.

28.03.2016, 13:47

"All that can be measured - can be improved "- European experts presented the courts performance management system Today, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine held a seminar-presentation of the report "Performance Management of the courts"