Council of judges
of Ukraine

enEN uaUA

05.04.2016, 09:09

Results of initial qualification assessment of the first one hundred judges Results of initial qualification assessment of the first one hundred judges

By the decision of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine as of 28 January 2016 № 7/zp-16 it was announced an initial qualification assessment of judges, who addressed the Commission with statements on recommending for their lifetime appointment. The list included 100 judges of local courts of general jurisdiction, whose powers were terminated in 2015. There was also determined schedule of qualification assessment, which is from 17 February through 31 March 2016.

In particular, 94 judges passed the qualification assessment during mention dates. Upon the results of the assessment 69 judges confirmed the ability to administer justice in the appropriate courts. 12 judges have not confirmed the ability to administer justice and were sent to the National School of Judges of Ukraine to undergo retraining. After the retraining judges will be subject to qualification reassessment, after which the Commission will address the issue regarding their subsequent judicial career. Regarding 12 judges the Commission took a recess for understanding the circumstances that were found out during studying the dossier and for holding additional examination.

6 judges did not show up to initial qualification assessment. 2 of them were dismissed by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in the period of holding the assessment. Others informed the Commission about their absence due to valid reasons. The Commission will develop additional schedule of holding the initial qualification assessment for these judges. 1 judge learned of his dismissal during passing the exam, so his assessment was terminated.